Top 5 Web3 apps & protocols to know

Top 5 Web3 apps & protocols to know
August 4, 2023

The Web3 revolution is here, bringing a wave of innovation and decentralised technologies. Here are our top five Web3 apps and protocols that are transforming the digital landscape.

According to Gartner’s 2023 Emerging Tech Impact Radar, we’re still a few years off mass adoption of Web3, but those of us in the know are well aware that the decentralised tools out there now are set to revolutionise all of our online habits, including browsing, social networking, and transferring data. Here, we round up five apps and protocols we think are making a particularly significant impact right now. 

Brave Browser

Brave Browser is a Chromium-based internet browsing app that has gained popularity for its focus on Web3 integration and cryptocurrency incorporation.

  • Web3 integration: Brave operates using public blockchains, offering seamless integration with the world of cryptocurrencies and decentralised applications (dApps).
  • IPFS integration: The browser utilises IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), a transfer protocol that ensures faster data delivery compared to traditional HTTPS (more on that below).
  • Earn crypto and view NFT collections: Brave’s Web3 application allows users to earn Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) by watching advertisements and supports Ethereum- and EVM-compatible cryptocurrency wallets, as well as Solana-based wallets. Users can also conveniently view NFT collections.
  • Enhanced security features: Brave is open source, free to use, and offers useful security features such as Private Tor windows, cookie consent blocking, fingerprint randomisation, and a VPN. 


This one’s for the builders: WalletConnect is an open protocol that enables secure communication between decentralised applications (dApps) and mobile wallets through QR code scanning or deep linking.

  • Secure communication: WalletConnect ensures secure and encrypted communication between dApps and mobile wallets, providing a reliable connection for transactions and data sharing.
  • Mobile integration: By linking your mobile wallet with dApps, WalletConnect allows for convenient access and management of digital assets directly from your phone.
  • Enhanced security: WalletConnect is considered more secure than desktop interfaces like MetaMask, as it addresses the increasing demand for security in the Web3 ecosystem, where every device is connected.
  • Simplified interaction: WalletConnect makes interacting with dApps easy from your mobile device, streamlining the Web3 experience.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

IPFS is a transfer protocol that facilitates decentralised and faster data delivery, making it an essential component of Web3 technology.

  • Decentralised data transfer: IPFS allows for the distribution and retrieval of data in a decentralised manner, reducing reliance on centralised servers.
  • Faster data delivery: By utilising a content-addressable system, IPFS enables faster data retrieval compared to traditional HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
  • Improved data redundancy: IPFS stores data across multiple nodes, ensuring redundancy and greater fault tolerance.
  • Support for Web3 applications: IPFS serves as the backbone for various Web3 applications, including decentralised storage, content delivery, and dApps.
  • Reshaping the internet: IPFS plays a vital role in reshaping the internet by providing a more secure, efficient, and decentralised data transfer mechanism.


Remix is a powerful toolset used for smart contract development, and is suitable for beginners as well as experienced developers. It serves as a launch pad for experimenting with Ethereum.

  • User-Friendly IDE: Remix IDE is a no-setup tool with a graphical user interface (GUI) for developing smart contracts. It is designed to be accessible to both experts and beginners.
  • Seamless deployment: Remix integrates well with other tools and offers a simple deployment process to the chain of your choice.
  • Visual debugger: Remix is renowned for its visual debugger, making it easier to track and troubleshoot smart contract issues.
  • Learning Ethereum: Remix is a popular platform where developers and enthusiasts come to learn Ethereum and experiment with smart contracts.


Yes, ChatGPT is not technically a Web3 tool, but its capabilities are rapidly expanding to accommodate use with protocols and apps. A couple of example plug-ins include:

  • DeFi Llama: The DeFi Llama plugin provides real-time data and insights about decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and their TVL (Total Value Locked). Stay updated on the latest trends and track the performance of various DeFi companies.
  • Code Execution: The Code Execution plugin enables running code snippets and scripts within the chat interface. Execute programming code in various languages and receive immediate results, making it a handy tool for developers and learners. 

Final thoughts

Web3 apps and protocols are revolutionising the digital landscape, offering enhanced security, improved user experiences, and seamless integration with decentralised networks. By exploring applications like Brave Browser, WalletConnect, IPFS, Remix, and leveraging the expanded capabilities of ChatGPT, you can enhance your online experience and be part of the decentralised future. Stay informed, embrace the transformative potential of Web3 apps and protocols, and unlock exciting opportunities in the evolving digital world.

Words: Madeleine Jones

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