Community Growth and Engagement

Success in a Web3 world starts with building your community

Community is at the heart of Web3; it’s how you build your brand affinity, convert new customers, and keep existing customers interested and coming back for more. A strong community engagement strategy is key to growing your business in a decentralised era. 

Our team at Take3 is well-versed in community engagement, having built new communities and grown existing ones for both Web2 and Web3 clients. Want to learn more? Get in touch to see how we can help! 

What’s involved in community growth & engagement?

Well, a lot more than just replying to a few user comments, that’s for sure! We start by assessing your existing digital presence and how that stacks up with where your target audience hangs out online. We then put together a comprehensive strategy that comprises content, paid ads, email marketing and more to attract new members and share key messages with existing ones. Our team of community managers will then step in to execute the strategy, spark meaningful interactions with your community and incentivise their participation in discussions.


Our community management services

  • Channel set-up and management 
  • Multi-channel community engagement strategy 
  • Community event planning 
  • Issues management content creation & training 
  • Regular sentiment analysis & recommendations


How do we know what sort of messaging hits the mark? We’re community members ourselves! We’ve been part of Web3 communities that build steadily and maintain momentum, and we’ve also been a part of some that have had meteoric rises and quick falls. We’ve also learnt how quickly sentiment can change, and how important it is to be clear, upfront and responsive. Ready to get started? Contact our team today.

A fully integrated community building strategy

Depending on your business needs and target audience, we will execute a robust community growth strategy.


Unsure of what you need? No worries! Share your business objectives and we can offer you recommendations based on your target audiences’ online behaviours, your budget and available resources.

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