Faces of Web3: Kevin Li, Take3

Kevin Li on web3 marketing insights

Faces of Web3: Kevin Li, Take3
August 2, 2024

Meet Kevin Li, a passionate Web3 enthusiast and digital marketing expert who has ridden the waves through multiple bull markets. From his early days in YouTube content management to his current role at Take3, Kevin shares his insights on the evolving landscape of Web3 and its potential to reshape societies.

How did you get started in the Web3 space?

I had a friend mention a blog site that provided cryptocurrencies as reward incentives via Facebook Messenger, but it was a fake message. Then months later he talked about it again in real life, and the next day an ad for blockchain popped up on Facebook.

From there, it was a rollercoaster of a ride! Catching the tail-end of the 2017 bullrun. I was determined to learn more about the space and re-write a lot of wrongs. In 2021, it all connected as I met some amazing people in the web3 space and discovered a true passion for NFTs and Web3 gaming.

Some web3 friends have become lifelong friends and I always appreciate learning from them.

What has been your professional journey so far (eventually ending up with us at Take3!)?

I had always had a passion for media. Studying screenwriting and production, naturally I ended up in a digital space where disruption was welcomed. This led to several years of experience working at a YouTube agency.

I was already educating people about Web3 on my own social networks by default so I wanted to see how web3 companies operated. As a result, I reached out to see if Metakey were looking for anybody.

They had recently launched “Metakademy” which was a web3 video education platform and with my expertise in YouTube channel management, it became the perfect fit.

As time moved on, I had been watching the growth of a new web3 marketing agency called Take3 (pardon the pun) take over the web3 Australia ecosystem. So when the time felt right, I reached out to Renee about possibly working there. Already knowing half the team before joining, I knew the vibe was exactly what I was after. And it was spot on.

The definition of ‘Web3’ is quite broad and varies depending on the industry backgrounds of the people you speak to. How do you define the term?

The next evolution of the internet.

From there, people will have many questions and you can further elaborate.

What do you determine to be the biggest societal opportunities that Web3 brings?

As a whole, the idea that societies can function without the use of a fiat currency but rather a custom cryptocurrency made for that society is ever so exciting.

Reading the history of currencies from the book ‘The Bitcoin Standard’ helped me realise something is valued only if we give it value.

Seeing how hyperinflation can really hinder countries like: Venezuela, El Salvador, and the Philippines. It’s amazing to see people adopt more cryptocurrencies as payment over their local fiat currency due to instability.

And what do you see as the biggest challenge that the Web3 community faces?

Getting new users and flipping the non-believers. There’s only so much funds a project has until it needs to generate more without constantly dropping new editions.

Better revenue models need to exist for Web3 companies that mirror more traditional Web2 companies.

What are some career highlights in your Web3 journey so far?

  • Speaking on stage at various conferences about Web3
  • Creating an incredible network of Aussie Web3 connections
  • Surviving 2 x crypto bear markets

What’s coming up for you in 2024?

I’m oddly enjoying the slow period after the 2024 bitcoin halving. I know what awaits in 2025 and it’s guaranteed to be a fun time, but I’m taking my time and enjoying life a bit more.

Money comes and goes, but memories stay forever. You know?

What inspires you to stay motivated professionally?

The people you choose to associate with play a huge role. Being around so many creative and hardworking individuals fuels me to be better.

Also knowing that others are reliant on my work output means I can’t be slacking.

When you’re not working, where would we most likely find you?

I tend to always be improving or learning in certain aspects of my life so I like to watch educational YouTube videos or reading a book.  Some recent books I’ve enjoyed that have a profound impact are ‘Die with Zero’ and ‘The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.

For fun, I play video games like Final Fantasy VII, Slay the Spire, and Mario Kart.

And I like to hangout with my partner and friends.

You can connect with Kev on Linkedin and find out more about Take3 here.

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