April 23, 2024

Whether you have a community of 10 or 10,000 members, the benefits of investing in the collective power of that audience for business growth are the same.

Not only are communities great for organic brand awareness, they’re also hotspots for quality leads – according to a Nielsen study, 88% of consumers place more trust in peer recommendations than they do traditional advertising. 

In short, a solid Web3 community growth strategy is essential for company success. Without a community advocating for your idea and values, it’s hard to get the cut-through you need for mass audience adoption. Here’s a complete guide to building your community on socials.

1. Instagram:

Test a variety of content types

  • Instagram Stories enable interactive and ephemeral engagement with followers. Here, ‘stealth tagging’ is an ingenious way to increase exposure, where you tag stakeholders in your stories, facilitating easy reposting on their end. Also consider Stories to post quizzes, polls, and ask-me-anything sessions to engage with your audience.
  • Carousel posts can present step-by-step guides or tips in digestible portions. Infographics, translating complex data into simple visuals, are particularly useful here.
  • Reels offer opportunities for short, engaging videos to jump on viral trends or showcase product features.
  • Host contests or giveaways that encourage users to share your post, tag their friends, or create user-generated content. This can greatly increase your visibility and followers.

Rules of engagement

  • Follow accounts that are relevant to your brand or industry, such as influencers, similar brands, complementary brands, and active community members. Aim to follow a few new accounts each week, but be sure it’s not in excess to avoid looking spammy.
  • Engage with posts by liking and leaving thoughtful comments. This should be done daily if possible. The more active you are, the more visibility you’ll have. Always aim for meaningful engagement; generic comments may come across as disingenuous. Some marketers even swear by engaging just before and straight after posting, seeing a slightly better boost in organic engagement rates and follower counts. Of course, it’s all dependent on audience activity and how well your content resonates. 

Frequency for fast growth:

  • Aim for at least 1-2 posts daily, depending on your content resources. Best times often include mornings (8-10am), lunch breaks (12-2pm), and evenings (7-9pm).
  • At least 5-7 Stories per day spread out across the day to maximise visibility. Stealth tagging in your stories can be done whenever applicable.
  • Post Reels 2-3 times per week, best uploaded during peak user activity times.
  • Dedicate time daily for active engagement (likes, comments, follows) with users and related accounts.

2. Facebook:

Understand what makes the algorithm tick

  • Facebook’s algorithm favours visually striking content, making it perfect for infographics. Carousel posts can display tutorials or guides.
  • Consider live sessions for real-time audience interaction. These can include expert-led workshops, Q&A sessions, or product reveals.
  • Host contests or giveaways that encourage users to share your post, tag their friends, or create user-generated content. This can greatly increase your visibility and followers.
  • Use Facebook Stories to post quizzes, polls, and ask-me-anything sessions to engage with your audience. Be mindful that if you are sharing interactive stories to Facebook from your Instagram, those interactive features won’t work on Facebook, so best to create them organically on each platform. 

Rules of engagement 

  • Similar to Instagram, follow and like pages that align with your brand. There’s no set number, but a steady, consistent approach is key.
  • Engage with other pages’ content by commenting and reacting. Strive to do this daily on posts that resonate with your brand. Remember to add value with your comments, perhaps by sparking a discussion or sharing additional insights.

Frequency for fast growth: 

  • Post at least once daily, ideally in the afternoon (1-3pm) when user engagement tends to peak. 
  • Aim for 3-5 Facebook Stories throughout the day.
  • Schedule at least one live session per week, and post videos 2-3 times weekly.

3. X (formerly Twitter)

Utilise X’s unique features 

  • Threads serve as an excellent vehicle for delivering educational content. Infographics can also be employed to simplify complex concepts.
  • Leverage Spaces for live audio conversations. Host AMAs or themed discussions to drive audience engagement.
  • Create a unique campaign hashtag for a specific event, product launch, or contest. Encourage your followers to use the hashtag, which can trend if it gains enough traction.
  • Just like in Instagram, shareable and relatable memes, graphics, or GIFs can quickly go viral.

Rules of engagement 

  • Respond to tweets, engage in conversations with industry specific accounts (be it business or industry leaders), and share tweets that align with your brand daily. 
  • Aim to follow and engage with a few new accounts each day. X’s atmosphere allows for more following compared to other platforms.
  • Respond to tweets and engage in conversations daily. Retweeting and quoting Tweets also shows engagement.

Frequency for fast growth: 

  • X requires a higher posting frequency. Aim for 3-5 tweets per day. Educational threads can be posted 2-3 times per week.
  • Hosting a Space once every week or fortnightly can keep your audience engaged.
  • Twitter thrives on conversations. Spend time daily engaging in discussions, responding to tweets, retweeting, and following relevant accounts.

4. LinkedIn

The place for thought leadership 

  • LinkedIn’s professional environment is ideal for more substantial educational content. Create articles that delve into industry trends, practical guides, or thought leadership pieces.
  • Hosting a webinar on a trending industry topic can attract professionals interested in the subject, who may share the event within their networks.
  • In-depth, thought-provoking articles on trending topics can be shared extensively within professional groups on the platform as well as your own network, amplifying your reach.
  • Create visually appealing infographics that simplify complex information as regular posts. LinkedIn users often share high-quality infographics.

Rules of engagement

  • Consider LinkedIn a virtual networking space. Follow industry influencers, relevant businesses, and join industry-specific groups, and comment on the content they share. A few new follows per week should suffice.
  • Engage in insightful discussions in groups and also contribute to industry articles should the opportunity arise. Aim to comment on a few posts each day. 
  • Writing your own articles and posts also invites engagement.

Frequency for fast growth: 

  • Post 1-2 times per day during weekdays, ideally in the morning (8-10am) or early evening (5-6pm).
  • In-depth articles can be shared once a week.
  • Plan for hosting a virtual event/webinar every month.
  • Allocate time daily for engaging with posts in your feed and aim to comment meaningfully on at least 3-5 posts per day.

5. TikTok

Short, snappy videos in a fast-paced environment 

  • The key here is short, catchy videos. TikTok duets enable you to engage with other users’ content in a creative way.
  • Post educational content. The ‘Edutok’ category is thriving on the platform! 
  • Keep an eye on trending videos and engage daily. TikTok’s fast-paced environment rewards quick interaction.

Rules of engagement

  • Follow similar accounts or accounts you like the content of. A few per day is a good start.
  • TikTok thrives on trends, so timely interaction is key. Engage with trending videos and content relevant to your brand daily. 

Frequency for fast growth: 

  • Post at least 2-3 times per day, with peak times often in the early morning and late at night when users are most active.
  • Daily engagement is crucial due to the platform’s fast-paced nature. Aim to engage with trending videos and brand-relevant content daily.

6. Discord

Discord has served many Web3 communities over the years, favoured for the fact that a server can be customised to meet the different interests and needs within a community for clear navigation and participation. Need help setting up a server? Check out our guide here. 

Foster a value-packed, inclusive environment 

  • Your server should be a welcoming place for newcomers. Make it easy for them to understand what the server is about, its rules, and how they can participate. This could be facilitated through a dedicated “welcome” or “start-here” channel.
  • Think about what your community members gain by being part of your server. This could be access to exclusive content, learning opportunities, networking, or just a fun and supportive community. Providing consistent value will keep your current members engaged and attract new ones.
  • Plan regular events such as AMA sessions, discussions, or game nights to keep your community entertained and participating. 
  • Having different channels for different types of content can help members navigate your server and engage in topics they’re interested in. This could include separate channels for announcements, general chat, specific topics related to your brand, off-topic discussions, and even voice chat rooms.
  • You could run contests or offer perks exclusive to server members. This could be early access to your content, discounts on your products, or the opportunity to influence your brand (like voting on product features or content topics).

Rules of engagement

  • The more active you are on your server, the more engaged your community will be. Regularly start discussions, ask for feedback, and respond to questions or comments from your members promptly. 
  • Encourage your community to discuss and collaborate with each other to ensure your server stays active. 
  • It can be helpful to have a team of community managers on hand for all-day coverage on the channel, but if that isn’t possible, you can set up bots to help manage your server, automate tasks, and engage with your community. Bots can automatically assign roles to new members, send welcome messages, moderate chat for inappropriate content, and even host games or quizzes.
  • Partner with other Discord servers that are relevant to your brand or industry. This can bring in new members and provide additional value to your current members. Cross-promotion or joint events could be beneficial.
  • Promote your Discord server on your other social media platforms or website. If you have a mailing list, you could invite those contacts to join your server. Alternatively, you could use Discord’s server discovery features or list your server on server directories.

7. is a Web3 social platform that is revolutionising the way creators share content and engage with their communities. It’s built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows writers to publish their work, and even run their own decentralised organisations. 

The key to utilising effectively is to create valuable, engaging content that resonates with your community, and to make the most of the unique blockchain-based features that the platform offers. This will not only strengthen your existing community, it will attract new members who are interested in the unique blend of content and token economics that you’re offering.

Best practices: 

  • Creating regular blog posts or articles can keep your community engaged and informed. It’s an excellent platform for long-form educational content, in-depth analysis, thought leadership pieces, and more. 
  • provides features that facilitate interaction with your community. Readers can leave comments on your posts, making it a great space for open discussion and engagement. Responding to comments and sparking discussions can further enhance community engagement.
  • You can tokenise your content by creating your own personal tokens. This can create a unique dynamic with your community where they can buy, trade, or hold these tokens to support your work.
  • Mirror’s crowdfund feature allows you to raise funds directly from your community. It’s a powerful way to involve your community and make them feel invested in your success.
  • You can collaborate with other writers on the platform for shared interviews, discussions, and more. This can expose your work to new audiences and also bring new perspectives to your community.
  • You can choose to release certain posts only to token holders, making it a valuable perk for your supporters and encouraging more members of your community to invest in your tokens.

Words: Madeleine Jones

Need help working on a holistic social strategy to promote your business? Our team has the know-how to help! Get in touch here.

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